Tales from the trail
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Grt Pack, well made and loads of storage..
What can I say about the Grand Portage? Well I’ve had mine for a couple years and used it for canoeing and car camping trips. This thing is huge and you can easily fit everything you can possibly need for a multi day trip inside it. Love the expandable flaps and the extra long leather compression straps! The webbing on the sides for a fishing rod or an axe is a nice feature too.
It’s very bulky and not something I would hike with for an extended period of time but the tumpline works surprisingly well on portages and shorter distances. Where this bag shines for me though is in a vehicle, be it boat or car. No more multiple bags and/or attachments flopping around, just toss your entire home into the Grand Portage, load it in your canoe and paddle off into the sunset! 😉
I can fit a packed full 30 gallon blue barrel in this pack, my tent, and my bedding and carry it comfortably. Works perfect!
Excellent Craftmenship
I love this bag! My son and I enjoy our annual BWCA trip and had been using Seal Line bags over the past few year. We made the switch to Frost River and have never looked back! The quality, durability, and capacity makes this a great win!