Our Commitment to Sustainability
The Levels of Frost River's Sustainability
With Earth Day right around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on a topic that Frost River holds near and dear to our hearts. This is sustainability of course! We pride ourselves on leaving as little of a carbon footprint as possible while still producing high quality products. This is a challenge, as those two things are not always easy to do together. As difficult as it may be, it is important enough to us that we go for it anyway.
Each level of our storefront holds different sustainability efforts to make sure we are staying environmentally friendly. Follow along with us as we bring you from the roof to the basement and showcase what sets us apart in terms of sustainability!

Frost River's Solar Panels from a bird's eye view. Image Credits: Woods Creek Productions

Products produced using solar energy at Frost River. Image Credits: Woods Creek Productions
Arguably our most obvious act of sustainability would be the massive solar panels on our roof! These five strips of panels power the entirety of the store and produce enough electricity to power our manufacturing floors as well! These bad boys are powerhouses, and are efficient enough to keep us running even in the cold, dark Minnesota winters. Installed last spring, the panels have not only reduced our electric bill, but also produced good, clean energy in the process!
Moving down to the manufacturing and production floor, LED lights illuminate the large area. LED (Light-Emitting Diode) lights are far more efficient and sustainable than their predecessors. These guys can last up to 25 years longer than non-LED bulbs and save roughly 75% of the energy used in comparison. Powered by our solar panels, these bright bulbs ensure our expert technicians can craft our incredible products.
After a short walk downstairs, we have reached the sales floor! A defining feature of the floor is the floor-to-ceiling windows. These windows were installed in 2020 during the pandemic and have been a major talking point in the whole Lincoln Park area! Energy efficiency is key when it comes to windows, and these behemoths are no different. Just like in any house or structure, heat and energy is lost through windows at a rapid rate. The new Frost River windows help reduce that loss all while maintaining a stunning look!

Frost River Windows keeping operations efficient. Image Credits: Woods Creek Productions

One of the Frost River cutting tables in the basement. Image Credits: Woods Creek Productions
Our final stop on this tour is the basement where the massive cutting tables are located. Also powered by our rooftop solar panels, these two machines help us create the most efficient cutting patterns. This eliminates excessive waste as well as cuts down on costs of materials. Our most recent addition to the cutting table collection is a leather cutting station! While it is more than capable of cutting other materials, it excels with leather. A high-tech camera is set up directly above the machine to map out the most efficient way to cut the material. Both tables are mesmerizing to watch in action!
Not only is our storefront and production floor environmentally friendly, but so are our products! We offer a wide variety of items that can replace single-use plastics. Our collection of waxed canvas totes can double as grocery bags and will last a lifetime! Sick of your old brown paper bag lunch? Upgrade to a Frost River Lunch Bag! Sustainability is a core value of Frost River and we try our best to make the Earth a better, cleaner place.