Tales from the trail
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My last Frost River pack lasted for ten years. I used it every day until it was finally worn out. I couldn't be happier to have my new one! Here's to 2034!
It's perfect for my needs. The craftsmanship is top shelf
This is my second Frost River bag, I also have the Growler bag. The Nessmuk is a good size, I havent used it much but imagine I could fit a change of clothes, water bottle and anything needed for the day. As one other reviewer mentioned , the side pockets are buckles so I would worry puttlng anything too small in there as it may fall out. The bag has a understandably rugged look and I think good for the outdoors - not so much for the office. I'm looking forward to getting good use from this bag, on a canoe and on a day hike. Love that it is Made in the USA.
You guys were amazing, thank you so much.