Pet Gear

For when you want your furry friend to have the same quality gear as you do.
4 products

Our Commitment to Sustainability

We wanted to take a moment to reflect on a topic that Frost River holds near and dear to our hearts. This is sustainability of course! We pride ourselves on leaving as little of a carbon footprint as possible while still producing high quality products.

Five MUST HIKE Trails in Duluth City Limits

Along Lake Superior’s North Shore, you can find some of the best hiking areas in the region...This being said, there are many, MANY other great hiking trails in Duluth. Here you will find the top five must-see hiking destinations within city limits. Now, there are many more than five trails in Duluth and everyone has their favorite, but these are our favorites! 

A Brief History of Waxed Canvas

Waxed canvas. What an enduring and endearing material. It has lasted through the ages, yet in the modern era, remains relevant. The value was spotted early by a seafaring lot.